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Pedro Rogelio Tecún Morales

Principal and Teacher (2023 Fellow)

Community: Caserío Nueva Esperanza, San Andres Semetabaj, Sololá, Guatemala
School: Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Nueva Esperanza

Pedro has a degree in intercultural elementary education with an emphasis on bilingual education and over 15 years of experience teaching. Currently, Pedro works as an elementary school teacher and principal at the Nueva Esperanza (New Hope) School. Pedro is a dedicated leader who supervises other teachers, supports yearly school committees, and is president of his Church youth group. 

Although support in rural areas isn’t readily available, Pedro continuously seeks resources for his school. Pedro is motivated to advance student learning and believes in the importance of interactive learning such as singing and playing. He is a changemaker and is excited to collaborate with ConnectED on a project to create progress in his school.


“I would like to leave a legacy, to leave something for the school that is really useful for the students and the community in general.”