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Community Education Leaders
in Rural Central America.

ConnectED improves access, quality, and relevance of education for youth in rural Central America. Through the Fellows Program, we harness the energy and commitment of local education leaders by nurturing, building, and mobilizing their skills and strengths to improve educational outcomes for youth in their communities.

What We Do

Education leaders are empowered to effect change—through capacity development, resource provision, and support of locally-driven solutions


They can improve access, quality and relevance of formal and non-formal education in their community

Which will result in

Improved learning outcomes and prospects for youth in select communities

And ultimately Will

Provide education leaders with the opportunity to build skills and gain relevant experiences to improve their own livelihood

How We Do It

At the heart of our work are the ConnectED Fellows. With ConnectED’s support, networks, tools and leadership development, Fellows engage their communities in tackling pressing educational challenges through projects that make high-quality, relevant education possible for the next generation. We invest in the success and sustainability of our Fellows by providing:

Access to Resources and Capital

Capacity Development

Mentoring and Networking Opportunities

Access to Education

We address critical barriers to ensure the greatest number of learners have access to education, regardless of socio-economic, cultural, linguistic, physical and/or other aspects that may limit their learning.

Quality of Education

We improve education quality by enhancing teacher skills, providing innovative learning experiences through extra-curricular activities, and enhancing community support for education through public discussions.

Relevance of Education

We enhance the relevance of education by providing support to ensure that the teaching and learning process better meets the needs and interests of learners.


Communities Reached
Schools Benefited
Students Benefited


Communities Reached
Schools Benefited
Students Benefited
ConnectED has a unique system that supports communities according to the education needs that the population itself establishes. This organization is very different from others and it is something that our community values.
Alba Luz // La China, Nicaragua
Through my work with ConnectED, I’ve been able to create relationships with Fellows and organizations in other communities. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to other parts of my country and learned how to communicate better. Organizations look for me now as a leader within my community.
Arsenio Yubank // Tortuga, Nicaragua
Get Involved

How can you make a difference?


You can make the transformative power of education possible through a simple donation.


Your talents and skills can help support our organization and the work of our Fellows.


You can join us in improving education outcomes in Central America.