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Pedro Rúben Sisay Mendoza

Principal and Teacher (2023 Fellow)

Community: Cantón Tzanchicham, Santiago Atitlán, Sololá, Guatemala
School: Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta de Educación Especial

Ruben was born in Santiago Atitlán, where he currently serves as the principal of the Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta de Educación Especial (Special Education). His academic journey includes completing his training in Special Education and Bilingual Intercultural Primary Education, as well as pursuing studies in Pedagogy and Educational Administration. Ruben’s commitment to education is evident in his role as principal, overseeing the education of 85 students with special educational needs, both with and without disabilities.

Believing in the power of community, Ruben actively engages in extracurricular projects aimed at benefiting individuals with disabilities. His passion for inclusive education extends beyond the classroom, as he has led initiatives to address the needs of people with disabilities in his municipality. Ruben’s interest in joining the ConnectED Fellows Program stemmed from a desire to improve the quality of education for students with special needs and disabilities. 


“I want to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are fulfilled and eliminate this “disability is in your head” mindset.”


Problem: As a school primarily for students with disabilities, teachers face challenges accommodating diverse needs with limited resources. The absence of technology tools limits their ability to create diverse and inclusive lessons, significantly affecting student engagement and performance. Without these resources, teachers struggle to meet students where they are, hindering their ability to provide effective instruction tailored to individual learning styles and needs.


Solution: Thanks to Rúben’s project, students with learning disabilities now benefit from access to technology, strengthening the culture of inclusive education. Recognizing the diverse range of learning needs within the school, the introduction of Chromebooks, projectors, and RACHEL has paved the way for inclusive and interactive educational experiences. These tools enable tailored approaches that accommodate students’ varying abilities and learning needs, ensuring a more supportive and enriching educational environment for all.

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