Johana López
Teacher (2022 Fellow)
Project: A Computer Center To Improve the Quality of Education
Quote: “To me, being a Fellow means the ability to give my time, make a difference, and leave behind a legacy, a good legacy you could say”
Favorite Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Favorite Activity: Swimming and Running
About: From an early age, Johana wanted to follow in the footsteps of her father and become a teacher. When the time came for her to choose a career, she wasn’t sure if teaching was for her; however, she gave it a try after her mom told her – if she didn’t like teaching she could always choose a different career. When Johana began her teaching internship and started working with children, she quickly fell in love with the profession. Today, Johana is a primary school teacher, working with children ages four to six at the Joya Larga Village School, and a University student studying pedagogy.
Growing up Johana’s parents encouraged her to help her community. As a result, Johana serves as the Director of the “Green Soul” a radio program focused on socio-environmental education and awareness; leader and ambassador for the nonprofit organization SERES, mobilizing more than 350 people in clean-up, reforestation, and environmental education campaigns; Director of a project that promotes the work of native Guatemalan women; and certified citizen journalist for the El Salvador Global Platform. Additionally, in 2017, Johana was certified by UNESCO as a Young Leader in Education for Sustainable Development. When she learned about ConnectED’s Fellows Model, Johana was thrilled to learn she could take the lead and support her community.
“I would like to provide children with non-traditional education, with techniques and tools so that education is fun, participatory, and for a better life. It must go beyond letters and numbers to avoid emigration. I am excited because this is an opportunity to grow and give something more to the community. I am eager to take advantage of any training opportunities that come my way.”
Problem: Students are not engaged in learning due to the use of outdated teaching methodologies. Following the pandemic, students are unmotivated to return to school and don’t see the value in the education provided. As a result, many young kids emigrate to the U.S. in search of better opportunities.
Solution: Johana is creating a school technology center that includes computers and a projector. By providing technology resources, Johana aims to improve the quality of education through innovative methodologies, therefore, increasing student motivation and engagement. Additionally, teachers are being trained on how to use technology to improve instruction.