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Jimmy Alfredo Escobar Calderón


Community: Aldea Agua Caliente San Carlos Sija, Quetzaltenango
School: Instituto Nacional de Educación Básica de Telesecundaria Agua Caliente

Jimmy is a primary school teacher dedicated to supporting special needs children. He leads the Resources Center for Inclusive Education (CREI-MINEDUC) at Escuela Molino Las Flores, providing vital resources for teachers and serving students from nearby areas. Jimmy’s passion for inclusive education extends beyond the classroom; he volunteers by visiting the homes of children with special needs and offering support such as vision and hearing screenings.
Jimmy’s motivation to join ConnectED stems from his belief in providing quality education to support children and foster community growth. He prioritizes implementing projects in Aldea Agua Caliente, where support is most needed. His dedication to children with disabilities drives him to make a meaningful impact in their lives and contribute to their overall development.

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