Concepción Esquina Damián
Teacher (2022 Fellow)
Project: A Safe, Dignified Space for After-School Reinforcement With Trained Staff
Quote: “I am igniting change within my community through ConnectED, as well as through training.”
Favorite Book: La Alegría de Enseñar by Rubén A. Alves
Favorite Activity: Reading
About: Ever since she was a little girl, Concepción, or Chonita as she likes to be called, dreamed of becoming a teacher. Growing up, she and her siblings would play “school”, with one of them acting as a teacher and the others playing the role of students. All of Chonita’s family enjoyed and valued education, resulting in five of her six siblings becoming teachers. Chonita always knew she wanted to make a difference in her community and finds it empowering to act as a leader in education. Currently, she works as the Coordinator of the Education Project for ANADESA, a nonprofit that offers extracurricular school reinforcement classes to students attending community schools, as well as technology and parent schools.
Chonita hopes one day that more women in her community will also hold leadership positions. She shared, “I think that often as a teacher, one focuses on how to solve problems, but sometimes there are cases where children just need advice.” Concepción believes that not only is it important to improve the quality of education but also for teachers to act as role models to aid children in both their education and personal development.
“The struggle helps me reach success.”
Problem: Students do not have an appropriate space to study or complete their homework. Students in Chonita’s community do not have access to basic materials, such as a table, desk, or school supplies and others have unstable home environments preventing them from studying and doing their homework outside of school.
Solution: Chonita created an educational environment where students can come after school to work and to get support from teachers. Through her project, Chonita provided training to teachers so they are equipped to provide reinforcement classes for students who need extra support. Today, students can come to a designated safe space to study, work, and get extra support, free from distractions.