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Pedro Rogelio Tecún Morales

Principal and Teacher (2023 Fellow)

Community: Caserío Nueva Esperanza, San Andres Semetabaj, Sololá, Guatemala
School: Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Nueva Esperanza

Rogelio currently serves as the principal of the Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Nueva Esperanza, is responsible for administrative tasks, and teaches the third and fourth grades. Born and raised in the rural area of Aldea Panimatzalam, Rogelio is one of six siblings and now has a family of five of his own. With a career spanning 12 years in the education sector, he remains committed to fostering positive change within his community.

In principle, Rogelio continuously advocates for resources and initiatives that promote educational progress and bridge the gap between rural schools and modern educational standards. He also actively supports various community and extracurricular activities, providing leadership to school committees.

Rogelio’s interest in joining the ConnectED Fellows program stemmed from a desire to collaborate with like-minded individuals and institutions to advance educational opportunities in rural areas. 


“I would like to leave a legacy, to leave something for the school that is really useful for the students and the community in general.”


Problem: The lack of technology at Rogelio’s school leads to significant challenges for teachers in customizing instruction for multi-grade classrooms, preventing students’ academic preparedness. Not only do students face a lack of grade-level challenges, but the absence of technology also fails to equip them for higher education, where proficiency in technology is increasingly essential.


Solution: Thanks to Rogelio’s project, students now have access to an equipped technology center with a class set of laptops, a projector, and a screen. Both students and teachers are thrilled by the technology access and recognize how it will significantly enhance education in their communities.